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  • Writer's pictureAndré Delicata

A picture is worth a thousand words

To those in the Labour party feigning surprise that all that Daphne Caruana Galizia reported about Keith Schembri’s 5,000 euros a day Christmas present was in fact correct, please go tell it to the marines. You’re lying. You knew all along that she was right and that Keith Schembri is indeed a crook.

To those in the Labour party who are saying that they are feeling betrayed by Keith Schembri, please go tell it to the marines. You’re lying. You knew the truth all along, because it was always right there, indisputable, right under your noses.

To those in the Labour party who are trying to paint Joseph Muscat as the unwitting victim of some “Et tu, Brute?” betrayal, please go tell it to the marines. You know that Joseph Muscat knew all along what Keith Schembri was up to. Joseph Muscat may be a lot of things but he is certainly not naive, incompetent or stupid. And don’t make things worse by trying to glorify him as a saint, martyr and miracle worker. He is neither. A prime minister who tolerates the least whiff of corruption is by definition corrupt.

To those in the Labour party who are saying all the right things (many), but not doing the right thing (many), please go tell it to the marines.

To those in the Labour party who sincerely want to set things right, you know what you have to do.

Sometimes to save a patient’s life, a surgeon needs to operate and ruthlessly remove all that is threatening the patient’s life, or may do so tomorrow, with a wide margin of incision. With corruption and crime, you need to do the same thing.

And a word of advice to those contesting the PL leadership, as well as the PL parliamentary group: do be careful whom you take photos and selfies with. You cannot pontificate about integrity and take photos all smiles and lies with someone who knowingly defended a crook. Instead you should march him off to the nearest police station and ask the police to investigate him.

Bear in mind the Maltese idiom:

Ma’ min rajtek xebbahtek

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words, and can say a lot about you, your principles and your values.



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